About Us
The name Solwang Design is based on my surnames Soland and Wang. Solwang Design released the first collection in August 2009 and several have followed since.
The knitted designs are our own on the basis of my grandmother’s wonderful homemade kitchen textiles. I am working to expand the range, and several of my grandmother’s practical and cute solutions for the kitchen will appear in the product range in the time to come.
Some will be with a modern twist, such as our very popular knitted towel. Here I have not been faithful to her knitting pattern, but the functionality is definitely not lost in the process.
The woven textiles are made with a selection of colors from the knit collections. This makes it possible to mix the colors and fabrics to give the kitchen a personal look and to create an individual expression.
All products are inspected and approved at the Danish Technological Institute for color fastness at 60 degrees Celcius wash (which is the temperature recommended by health authorities in Denmark), absorption, chemical contents and shrinkage.
Solwang Design is responsible for B2B sales in all countries.